Wednesday, January 19, 2011

PBS Teacherline "Searching and Researching the Internet"

I am currently enrolled in this online class. I highly recommend it to any teacher. I did not know that there are Web 2.0 search engines. This course really complements everything we learned in STEP.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Yes, it works

Friday, December 17, 2010

Does this work?

This is a test e-mail.

Dec 16th 2010 Training Session

I enjoyed learning about Movie Maker in class today. I want to use Podomatic and practice. I wish there was more class time, but with a half day for snow, our training was cut short. I know we talked about making video podcasts but I don't remember how many we need to do and when they need to be ready.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Even Michael Thinks is great!

I got this nifty Web 2.0 app from Selena Ward at the MICCA Conference. Students can use to summarize steps, create stories, etc. Feel free to browse:

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Go Parkdale! Go Parkdale! Go Parkdale!

Get a Voki now!

I couldn't resist!


As promised, I am reflecting on my STEP experience in hindsight. This has been the most overwhelming year of my teaching career, for various reasons, some of which are clearly unbeknownst to me! I had begun to look at STEP as simply an unwelcomed addition to my TO DO LIST, that I could definitely do without =(

However, just yesterday, I sat with a curriculum writing group, for which I am a contributing curriculum writer, specifically for modifications and accommodations as they relate to "struggling learners." I must admit that my experience in STEP proved to be a valuable tool that helped me in ways I had never anticipated! For example, I suggested several ways of modifying the curriculum through the usage of some of the technology I learned through STEPPING, the familiarity with one of the newest waves in education, the Nimus/CAST technology standards, even the ingenious idea of using a Voicethread to teach "To Kill A Mockingbird" as was mentioned by Ms. Johnson on this very blog!

Although STEP seemed to add to my woes with regard to unneeded extra assignments to complete, I now feel like one of my students who simply could not fully understand how invaluable the lessons I learned would be. The best kind of work is that which enhances your skills and abilities, and serves to fulfill my goal of continuing to be a lifelong learner! I have come to the conclusion that STEP was indeed a great decision, and although I feel that I have a long way to go, I am glad that I am "STEPPING" in the right direction, and grateful for the opportunity to learn, the equipment, and the invaluable additions to my technology innovation! I will also be reciting this blog during our presentation. I hereby give the STEP Program two thumbs up!

A "standing ovation" to my team at Parkdale and the entire STEP Support Team...working with you all has undoubtedly been the BEST thing about this experience.